
Rob is still unsure exactly how he got into cycle touring. After a long and gradual romance with day rides, and much vicarious enjoyment of people’s touring videos, in 2017 he realised he’d decided to forego the car journey home from his in-laws’ house and cycle the 300 miles instead.

Despite having no guidance or experience and a basic, heavy Raleigh hybrid, it was a surprisingly smooth and enjoyable trip. He learned plenty from those 5 days, and has spent whatever time he can since going on more learning experiences. On top of numerous day rides he has completed several tours of up to 2 weeks in the UK, all solo and unsupported, and usually camping. These have gradually covered more wild, remote terrain sometimes spending days away from amenities.

With his passion for beautiful natural landscapes and curiosity for exploration there are many adventures yet to come. Share the adventures here or join him in person for the real experience!


All content by Rob Desbois unless accredited otherwise.

Header font Hardcore by Garisman used under personal licence.